H?vard Jenssen
Associate Professor H?vard Jenssen
Department of Science, Systems and Models, 17.2
真人线上娱乐 University
Universitetsvej 1
P.O.Box 260
DK-4000 真人线上娱乐


@-mail: jenssen@ruc.dk
Switchboard: (+45) 4674 2000
Phone(office): (+45) 4674 2877
Fax(dept.): (+45) 4674 3010

Publication List (research articles)

  1. Andersen J.H., Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Lactoferrin and lactoferricin inhibit herpes simplex 1 and 2 infection and exhibit synergy when combined with acyclovir, Antiviral Res., 2003, 58, 209-215.
  2. Andersen J.H., Jenssen H., Sandvik K., Gutteberg T.J., Anti-HSV activity of lactoferrin and lactoferricin is dependent on the presence of heparan sulphate at the cell surface, J. Med. Virol., 2004, 74, 262-271
  3. Jenssen H., Andersen J.H., Uhlin-Hansen L., Gutteberg T.J., Rekdal ?., Antiviral activity of linear or cyclic lactoferricin analogues in relation with heparan sulfate affinity, Antiviral Res., 2004, 61, 101-109
  4. Jenssen H., Mantzilas D., Andersen J.H., Gutteberg T.J., A wide range of medium sized, highly cationic, alpha-helical peptides show antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus, Antiviral Res., 2004, 64, 119-126
  5. Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Lejon T., Modelling of anti-HSV activity of lactoferricin analogues using amino acid descriptors, J. Pept. Sci., 2005, 11, 97-103
  6. Hunter H.N., Demcoe A.R., Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Vogel H., Human Lactoferricin is Partially Folded and Distinct from Bovine Lactoferricin., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2005, 49:3387-3395
  7. Samuelsen ?., Haukland H.H., Jenssen H., Kr?mer M., Sandvik K., Ulvatne H., Vorland L.H., Induced resistance to an antimicrobial peptide in staphylococcus aureus., FEBS letter, 2005, 579:3421-3426
  8. Jenssen H., Anti Herpes Simplex Virus Activity of Lactoferrin/Lactoferricin - an Example of Antiviral Activity of Antimicrobial Protein/Peptide., Mol. Cell. Life Sci. 2005, 62, 3002-3013
  9. Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Lejon T., Modelling the anti-HSV activity of small, cationic peptides using amino acid descriptors, J Pept. Res. 2005, 66. Suppl. 1:48-56
  10. Jenssen H., Hamill P., Hancock R.E.W., Peptide antimicrobial agents, Clin. Microbiol. Reviews, 2006, 19. 3:491-511 (Invited review).
  11. Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Rekdal ?., Lejon T., Prediction of activity, synthesis and biological testing of anti-HSV active peptides., Chem. Biol. Drug Design, 2006, 68: 58-66
  12. Mistry N., Drobni P., N?slund J., Sunkari G.V., Jenssen H., Evander M., The anti-papillomavirus activity of human and bovine lactoferricin, Antiviral Res., 2007, 75:258-265
  13. Jenssen H., Hilpert K., Hancock R.E.W., Antibacterial Host Defence Peptides of Bovine Origin, Chimica Oggi/Chemistry Today, 2007, 25. 3:17-19 (Invited review).
  14. Jenssen H., Lejon T., Hilpert K., Fjell C., Cherkasov A., Hancock R.E.W., Evaluating different descriptors for model design of antimicrobial 12-mer peptides with enhanced activity towards P. aeruginosa., Chem. Biol. Drug Design, 2007, 70: 134-142
  15. Jenssen H., Fjell C.D., Cherkasov A., Hancock R.E.W., QSAR modeling and computer-aided design of antimicrobial peptides., J. Pept. Sci, 2008, 14: 110-114
  16. Jenssen H., Sandvik K., Andersen J.H., Hancock R.E.W., Gutteberg T.J., The anti-HSV mode of action to lactoferrin and lactoferricin., Antiviral Res., 2008 79: 192-198
  17. Fjell C.D., Jenssen H., Fries P., Aich P., Griebel P., Hilpert K., Hancock R.E.W., Cherkasov A., Identification of novel host-defense peptides and the absence of alpha-defensins in the bovine genome., Proteins., 2008 73:420-430.
  18. Hamill P., Brown K., Jenssen H., Hancock R.E.W., Novel Anti-Infectives: Is Host Defence the Answer?, Curr. Opinion in Biotech., 2008 19(6): 628-636
  19. Jenssen H., Hancock R.E.W., Antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin., Biochimie, 2009 91(1): 19-29
  20. Marr A.K., Jenssen H., Moniri M.R., Hancock R.E.W., Pant? N., Bovine lactoferrin and lactoferricin interfere with intracellular trafficking of herpes simplex virus 1., Biochimie, 2009 91(1): 160-164
  21. Cherkasov A., Hilpert K., Jenssen H., Fjell C.D., Waldbrook M., Mullaly S., Volkmer R., Hancock R.E.W., Use of artificial intelligence in the design of small peptide antibiotics effective against a broad spectrum of highly antibiotic resistant superbugs., ACS Chem. Biol., 2009 4(1): 65-74
  22. Hilpert K., Elliott M., Jenssen H., Kindrachuk J., Fjell C.D., K?rner J., Winkler D.F.H., 真人线上娱乐aver L.L., Henklein P., Ulrich A.S., Chiang S.H.Y., Farmer S.W., Pante N., Volkmer R., Hancock R.E.W., Screening and characterization of surface-tethered cationic peptides for antimicrobial activity. Chem. & Biol., 2009 16(1): 58-69
  23. Kovacs-Nolan J., Latimer L., Landi A., Jenssen H., Hancock R.E.W., Babiuk L.A., van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk S., The novel adjuvant combination of CpG ODN, indolicidin and polyphosphazene induces potent humoral and cellular immune responses in mice, Vaccine, 2009, (27): 2055-2064
  24. Fjell C.D., Jenssen H., Hilpert K., Cheung W.A., Pant? N., Hancock R.E.W., Cherkasov A., Identification of Novel Antibacterial Peptides by Chemoinformatics and Machine Learning, J. Med. Chem., 2009, 52(7), 2006-2015
  25. Kindrachuk J., Jenssen H., Elliott M., Townsend R., Nijnik A., Lee S., Halperin S., Hancock R.E.W., A Novel Adjuvant Platform Comprised of an Optimized Host Defense Peptide and CpG Oligonucleotide Links Innate and Adaptive Immunity, Vaccine, 2009, 27(34), 4662-4671
  26. Jenssen H., Clinical development of peptide antibiotics, PharmaChem, 2009, Oct. 22-26
  27. 真人线上娱乐e T., Jenssen H., Influenza drugs - Current standards and novel alternatives, J. Antivirals & Antiretrovirals, 2009, 1(1), 001-010
  28. Jenssen H., Therapeutic approaches using host defence peptides to tackle Herpes virus infections, Viruses, 2009, 1, 939-964
  29. Nijnik A., Madera L., Ma S., Waldbrook M., Elliott M., Mullaly S.C., Kindrachuk J., Jenssen H., Hancock R.E.W., Synthetic cationic peptide IDR-1002 provides protection in Staphylococcus aureus infection through chemokine induction and enhanced leukocyte recruitment., J. Immunol., 2010, 184(5), 2539-2550
  30. Fjell C.D., Hancock R.E.W., Jenssen H., Computer-aided design of antimicrobial peptides, Curr. Pharmacutical Anal., 2010 6(2), 66-75

Books & book chapters:
  1. Jenssen H., Antiviral mode of action of Lactoferrin and Lactoferricin - A model system for design of antiviral peptides with enhanced activity towards Herpes simplex virus. Troms?, Norway, 2004. ISBN 82-7589-150-7
  2. Jenssen H., Gutteberg T.J., Lejon T., Modelling of anti-HSV activity of lactoferricin analogues using amino acid descriptors, pp 394-395 in; QSAR & molecular modelling in rational design of bioactive molecules, Ed. Aki E. and Yalcin I., Computer aided drug design & development society in Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, 2005. ISBN 975-00782-0-9 (Proceedings)
  3. Jenssen H., Antimicrobial activities of lactoferrin and lactoferrin derived peptides, Chapter 1 (pp 1-60) in; Dietary protein research trends, Nova Science Publishers Inc. Hauppauge, NY, USA, 2007. ISBN 1-60021-607-2
  4. Jenssen H., Aspmo S.I., Serum stability of peptides., Chapter 10; in Peptide-Based Drug Design, Methods Mol Biol. 494:177-86, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, 2008, ISBN 978-1-58829-990-1
  5. Jenssen H., Antimicrobial activities of lactoferrin and lactoferrin derived peptides, Nova Science Publishers Inc. Hauppauge, NY, USA, 2009. ISBN 1-60692-518-0
  6. Jenssen H., Hancock R.E.W. Therapeutic potential of HDPs as immunomodulatory agents, Chapter; in Antimicrobial peptides, Methods Mol Biol.618:329-347, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, 2010. ISBN 978-1-60761-593-4
  1997    B.Sc (chemistry) Oslo College of Engineering, Oslo, Norway
  1999    Civil engineering (biotechnology), University of Troms?, Norway. 
  2004    Ph.D (molecular biology, virology, peptide chemistry and statistical analysis),
               University Hospital of North Norway, Dept. of Microbiology and Virology,
               University of Troms?.

Professional career
  2000-2002    Research Associate at Dept. of Medical Microbiology, University
                         Hospital of North Norway.
  2005-2008    Postdoctoral Fellow at Centre for Microbial Diseases & Immunity  
                         Research, University of British Colombia, Canada
  2008-2009    Research Associate at Centre for Microbial Diseases & Immunity
                         Research, University of British Colombia, Canada

Research interest
Resistance to antimicrobial agents and the limited development of novel agents is threaten-ing to worsen the burden of infections that are already a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. This has increased interest in the development of novel strategies for design of antimicrobial drugs and compounds for selective modulation of our natural immune defences. In my laboratory we focus on development of both these classes of anti-infective drugs. The drug candidates we are working with are peptides or peptidomimetics, isolated from bacterial sources (bacteriosins) or designed from naturally occurring host defence peptides through a series of optimization strategies. Parallel to wet-lab strategies like substitution analysis and large screening libraries of peptides we employ state of the art computational in silico modelling techniques developed in collaboration with world class computer scientists, to tailor peptides/peptidomimetics with high activity and specificity. The mi-crobial target we focus on is predominantly multi-drug resistant bacterial strains and different clini-cally relevant virus. The pathogens are either targeted directly (classical antimicrobial peptide drugs) or through host cell immune stimulation (classical innate defence regulators). Both branches requires an in depth mechanistic understanding of how the peptides/peptidomimetics facilitate their activity, involving a wide panel of sophisticated in vitro experiments. Pending the pathogen of interest in vivo models are designed and carried out in collaborations with expert scientists around the world. To complement the peptide design and biological evaluation effort, we are also investi-gating several different delivery systems, e.g.; liposome, micro-spheres, hydro-gels, nano-capillar tubes and tethering strategies.

Current projects
This page was updated on: August 5? 2010.

This page was written by H?vard Jenssen


