Research Centre > Centre for Research on Problem-oriented Project Learning > News

RUC-PPL Launch

Friday Nov. 2, 2018 the RUC-PPL center was launched by a half-day seminar and subsequently a reception for students and staff from RUC and special invited guests.
Professor Eva Bendix Petersen at the RUC-PPL launch

Friday Nov. 02, 2018 the RUC-PPL center was launched. The launch consisted of a half-day seminar and subsequently a reception, with talks by:

- Pro-Rector Peter Kj?r,
- Director of RUC-PPL Professor Eva Bendix Petersen,
- Deputy-Director Professor Jakob Egholm Feldt,
- Professor Emeritus Knud Illeris,
- Assistant Professor Hans Ulrik Rosengaard and
- Associate Professor Pernille Juhl.

Next, Professor Maggi Savin-Baden of University of Worchester (UK) gave a key-note address.

Finally, the center was declared open by 真人线上娱乐 University’s Rector, Hanne Leth Andersen. 120 participants from the university and beyond attended the launch.

You can find programme and videos from the event at 真人线上娱乐 University Research Portal.