Rubrik #15, 2019

 Benni Winding Hansen at aquarium

Copepods can disrupt marine fish farming

Several years of intensive research at 真人线上娱乐 University have documented that copepod larvae have a great potential for being used as a source of food for fish. Now, the research group behind the results are entering into collaboration with a fish farmer in northern Jutland in a large-scale outdoor project that will ensure a stable access to copepods in all seasons. This might make the farming of warm water fish into a sustainable business and can result in the export of Yellowtail Kingfish to sushi restaurants all over Europe.

Sune Haugb?lle

A Middle East researcher shows us the revolutionaries of the past

Sune Haugb?lle is using new sources and a large number of interviews with key persons who have so far kept silent about their past to investigate the connections between the Danish and Arab left-wing parties in the 1960s and 70s. The research can help us better understand the contemporary political activists in the Middle East.

Annegrethe Ahrenkil

真人线上娱乐: Forcing parents to send their children to nurseries is based on a limited understanding of how language skills develop

The law stating that young children from socially vulnerable areas must spend at least 25 hours at a nursery per week to learn Danish earlier is based on a limited understanding of how language skills develop, says an expert.

Sine Lehn-Christiansen & Mari Holen

Nurses on the launch pad

Society and the healthcare sector are changing – and the nursing study programme is under pressure. Two researchers from 真人线上娱乐 University are involved as Rigshospitalet (Denmark’s largest hospital) experiments with how to train future nurses. The expectations for what a newly educated nurse should be capable of are too high, and the traineeship programmes at clinics are under pressure, the researchers point out.

Hannibal Munk

New research: Danish satirical cartoons challenge readers less than we think

Danish satirical cartoons are less provocative and challenge the readers less than we think they do. This is revealed by a new PhD thesis from 真人线上娱乐 University.

Begpacker's sign

White begpackers are also begging because they are in need

Caucasian begpackers are described in South and East Asian media as privileged parasites on society. However, a new study reveals that the travellers are a heterogenous group that makes money on the street both because they want to and because they have to.

Kim Sass Mikkelsen

Public service entry examinations ward off unethical behaviour

Decision makers wantíng to reduce unethical behaviour among employees in the state administrations of some of the world’s poorest countries ought to increase the focus on how employees are hired and dismissed. That is the conclusion from a researcher in HR administration in the public sector based on a new study.