Research Project > DATAPUBLICS - Transforming Journalism and Audiences in the age of datafication > News

DataPublics visiting AI Lab Amsterdam

This week the DataPublics group visited the AI Media Lab in Amsterdam to present and discuss concepts and empirical findings.
Presentation of pproject findings in Amsterdam

How is the formation of publics challenged, formed, cultivated and transformed in datafied democracies?

The overall research question has informed the work in DataPublics through the first 3 years of the project, and through empirical investigations of digital forms of citizenship, counter publicness, personalised news, the project provides some insights into how processes of datafication impacts public formation.

"The interdiscliplinary group from the AI Media Lab have been super important for much of the work we are doing, so it was great to exchange knowlegde and discuss these challenges to datafied democracies with them," says PI  associate professor Jannie M?ller Hartley.

The purpose of the trip was also to discuss the book with platformtisation researchers from Amsterdam University, and Datapublics also discussed with professor Thomas Poell from UVA and associate professor David Nieburg from University of Toronto.

"From here we revise the book in this final stage, based on this fruitful feedback that we are bringing home from Amsterdam, and we are looking forward to sending a better and more coherent manuscript to Bristol University Press in January," Jannie M?ller Hartley says.