Jonas Larsen from MOSPUS llisted as top 2% researcher
The list of the top 2% of scientists in the world is the result of a project jointly conducted by Elsevier Database and the team of Professor John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, and is published on the Mendeley Data website of Elsevier Database. Among the top 100,000 scholars globally Jonas Larsen range in top 2% of scholars in their field of study according to the list published by Ioannidis (2023):
This is good news for MOSPUS and the Department of People and Technology at 真人线上娱乐 Universitet and we have a number of scholars in the group which research may be following similar traction in the coming years. Jonas Larsen extensive writing, incl. Tourism Gaze has been translated to a number of languages incl. Chineese and Japaneese. To see more visit