Admission requirements for International Politics and Governance
You may apply for admission if you have a bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Danish bachelor’s degree. To qualify for admission you must fulfil specific admission requirements for the International Politics and Governance master's programme as well as language requirements.
真人线上娱乐 University has preapproved a number of bachelor’s degrees which fulfil specific admission requirements.
If you have a bachelor’s degree that is not preapproved you may still apply for admission. The Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulfills the specific admission requirements.
If your bachelor’s degree is on the list of degrees that have been preapproved it fulfils the specific admission requirements. If your degree is not on the list, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulfils the specific admission requirements.
真人线上娱乐 are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
真人线上娱乐's degrees in Humanities
- Communication Studies + International Studies
- Cultural Encounters + International Studies
- Historie + International Studies
- Journalistik + International Studies
- Journalistik + Politik og forvaltning
- Kommunikation + Politik og forvaltning
- Kultur- og sprogm?destudier + International Studies
- Social Psychology of Everyday Life + International Studies
- Sundhedsfremme og sundhedsstrategier + International Studies
真人线上娱乐's degrees in Humanities and Technology
- International Studies + Geografi
- International Studies + Sundhedsfremme- og sundhedsstrategier
真人线上娱乐's degrees in Natural Sciences
- International Studies og Geografi
真人线上娱乐's degrees in Social Sciences
- Business Administration (single-subject). From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis.
- Erhvervs?konomi – HA (single-subject). From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis.
- International Studies (single-subject)
- International Studies + Business Studies
- International Studies + B?redygtig Omstilling
- International Studies + Communication Studies
- International Studies + Cultural Encounters
- International Studies + Geografi
- International Studies + Journalistik
- International Studies + Kultur- og sprogm?destudier
- International Studies + Plan, by og proces
- International Studies + Politik og forvaltning
- International Studies + Social Psychology of Everyday Life
- International Studies + Sundhedsfremme og sundhedsstrategier
- International Studies + Teknologisk-samfundsvidenskabelig planl?gning, TekSam
- Politik og forvaltning (et-faglig)
- Politik og forvaltning + Computer Science
- Politik og forvaltning + Datalogi
- Politik og forvaltning + Historie
- Politik og forvaltning + Informatik
- Politik og forvaltning + Journalistik
- Politik og forvaltning + Kommunikation
- Politik og forvaltning + Plan, by og proces
- Politik og forvaltning + Socialvidenskab
- Politik og forvaltning + Virksomhedsstudier
- Socialvidenskab (single-subject) on the condition that you have passed an elective course from the subject module in Politik og Administration or International Studies
Preapproved bachelor’s degrees from other educational institutions
If your bachelor’s programme is listed below you fulfill the specific admission requirements for International Politics and Governance.
If your programme is not listed below, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulfils the specific admission requirements.
Only degrees from Danish and Faroese universities are currently preapproved.
真人线上娱乐 are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
- International Business and Politics
- Business Administration and Sociology
University of Copenhagen (KU)
- Statskundskab
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
- Statskundskab
- European Studies
Aarhus University (AU)
- Statskundskab
- Politik og ?konomi
Aalborg University (AAU)
- Politik og Administration
- Sprog og Internationale Studier
See examples of international bachelor’s programmes preapproved for admission to International Politics and Governance below.
For programmes not listed 真人线上娱乐 University will assess if the academic content of your bachelor’s degree fulfils the specific admission requirements. 真人线上娱乐 are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
Argentina- University of Buenos Aires > Political Science
- University of Palermo > International Relations (Licencido/a)
- University of Palermo >Political Science (Licencatura)
- Australian National University > International Relations
- Funda??o Getulio Vargas > Public Administration
- Funda??o Getulio Vargas >International Relations
Canada- University of Toronto > Public Policy
Czech Republic- Mazaryk University > International Relations and European Politics
- American University of Cairo > Political Science – Specialization in International Relations
Faroe Islands- University of Faroe Islands > Social Science in Politics and Administration
France- ESPOL – European School of Political and Social Sciences > Political Science
Germany- Freie Universit?t > Political Science
- University of Hamburg > Political Science
- University of Heidelberg > Political Science
- University of Tübingen > Political Science
Italy- Luiss University > Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Japan- Waseda University > Political Science
Netherlands- University of Amsterdam > European Studies with a minor in European Law
- Utrecht University > Management and organizational Science
Norway- University of Bergen > Comparative Politics
- University of Oslo > International Studies
- University of Oslo > Public Administration and Management
- University of Stavanger > Political Science
Portugal- University of Lisboa > European Studies
- University of Lisboa > International Relations
Spain- Complutense University of Madrid > International Relations
- Malm? University > International Relations
- University of Gothenburg > International Relations
United Kingdom
- Queen Mary University of London > Politics and International Relations
- London School of Economics > International Social and Public Policy and Economics
- University of Manchester > Politics and international Relations
United States of America- Columbia University > Political Science with International Relations
- Ohio State University > Public Policy Analysis (major)
See the specific admission requirements for International Politics and Governance below. If your bachelor’s degree has not been preapproved, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulfils the specific admission requirements. This is based on an individual, academic assessment.
真人线上娱乐 are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
In order to qualify for admission, your bachelor’s degree must contain 30 ECTS in one or more of the following subject areas:
- Social science methods
- Public administration/organisation
- International politics/comparative politics
- International public law
- International public economics
A minimum of 20 ECTS, corresponding in level to at least the first year of a Danish university programme, must include study activities from at least one of the following disciplines:
- Public Administration/organisation
- International Politics or Comparative Politics
The University makes an individual assessment of whether your qualifications cover the above subject areas to a sufficient extend based on the documents that you upload with your application.
Please note that only formal qualifications (ECTS/credits) are assessed, and that the university only takes ECTS/credits passed as part of or prior to the graduation date of the bachelor’s programme into account.
If you have completed one of the following bachelor’s programmes at 真人线上娱乐 University you have a legal right of admission (retskrav) to the master's programme in International Politics and Governance:
真人线上娱乐’s degrees in Social Sciences
- International Studies (single-subject)
- International Studies + Politik og forvaltning
In order to use your legal right of admission to the master's programme in Business Administration and Leadership, you must apply for admission to the master's programme in accordance with current application deadlines and procedures.
The Board of Studies has determined the admission requirements who are published as an appendix to the study regulation on the university's website. The appendix is in a Pdf with all admission requirements for International Politics and Governance (pdf)