Research Project > AlterPublics - Alternative Media and Ideological Counterpublics > News

AlterPublics participates in NordMedia panel with Nordic colleagues

AlterPublics presents the project's latest research at the NordMedia23 conference in Bergen
Picture of central Bergen park with mountains in the background
NordMedia23 will be held in Bergen on 16-17 August. Photo by: Leif Pedersen

Project manager Eva Mayerh?ffer and research assistant Leif Pedersen have gone to the NordMedia conference in Bergen to present an interview study on news editors' understanding of and attitude towards the rise of alternative media in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Thus, they participate in a research panel on 17 August entitled Alternative media in the Nordic Media 真人线上娱乐lfare State, which AlterPublics has also helped organize.

The interview study, which Eva Mayerh?ffer and Leif Pedersen present under the heading Boundary-work in the Nordic media model: A comparative analysis of institutional responses to alternative media in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, is carried out in collaboration with Karoline Andrea Ihle?k and Tine Ustad Figenschou from OsloMet.

Karoline Andrea Ihle?k and Tine Ustad Figenschou are also responsible for another presentation in the panel, which also offers presentations from Salla Tuomola from the University of Helsinki and Miriam Brems from Aarhus University.

You can read more about the conference here, and download the entire conference program here.