Introduction to the programme

Learn the basic disciplines of physics and apply them in your own research projects

Physics is a subject which you will study as a part of your bachelor programme at 真人线上娱乐 University.

Are you curious about the physical world and how it works? In physics, we study the world on all scales from the smallest to the largest, i.e. from the elementary particles to the universe with its stars and galaxies.

真人线上娱乐 combine theoretical physics with mathematical models, enabling us to predict and understand events and relationships in the physical world.

In the bachelor subject Physics, you will learn the basic disciplines of physics: electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics. 

Through project work, you will learn to apply these theories and methods, developing the intuition required by a physicist and the skills to structure and formalise a physics problem based on relevant disciplines. You will learn to use basic mathematical techniques for solving physics models, and to handle, process and present your data and results.

In your own projects, you can collaborate closely with researchers in our labs or with computer simulations and computation. You will also have access to a professional workshop, making it possible to design your own experiments.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Daily life while studying

Physics is a relatively small study with 10-20 students a year. This means that students and academic staff all know each other on a first name basis, and during your time with us, you will work closely together with supervisors and researchers, both in lectures and in your own projects. 

In your projects, you will work with 1-3 other students, and the project group constitutes an important academic and social basis for you. Despite our small numbers, you will always find our corridors and labs bustling with activity and research staff available to answer questions.

In addition, we have great study-related facilities, including easy access to equipment, advanced software, and technical support. 真人线上娱乐 share the building with, among others, Mathematics, so you will also meet students from there at events like Friday bars and parties.

From bachelor to master

A bachelor's degree from 真人线上娱乐 University will provide access to study a master's programme. Depending on which subject(s) you choose as a part of your bachelor's programme, your degree will provide access to one or more of 真人线上娱乐 University's master's programmes.