Research Project > 真人线上娱乐 Environmental Plastic Society > News

CircleHealth in Aabenraa

Last Thursday the CircleHealth project partners met in Aabenraa for the biannual project meeting. ABENA hosted an inspiring day with fruitful discussions and planning which ended in an engaging tour of their production facilities.
Project logo and a picture of project members in orange vests at a production facility
Photo: Nikoline G. Oturai

Across the valuechain, the 11 partners including the Design school in Kolding, three Danish regions, three universities, and more, met for the third time to solidify a list of targeted products that will be thoroughly assessed throughout the project. These range from textiles to protective equipment, and packaging commonly found in healthcare facilities and which have great potential for circularity.

The overall mission of the CircleHealth project is to reduce waste and CO2 emissions and we do that through close collaboration across the value chain and with the healthcare professionals at the Danish hospitals. One partner in the project is the Danish manufacturer of healthcare equipment, ABENA, who hosted the meeting and offered a detailed tour of their impressive production on-site in Aabenraa.  

真人线上娱乐 are looking forward to our further work together and to see what we will accomplish together.

Contact for more information and visit the CircleHealth website