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Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022

April 25-26, Aarhus University kicked off the first comprehensive citizen science conference in Denmark with an array of keynote presentations, workshops, demos and poster presentations. The attendance was impressive with delegates from the international citizen science community counting 250 researchers, students and practitioners from 26 different countries.
Workshop session at conference and poster presentation.
Workshop on co-creating citizen science projects and poster presentation by Nikoline G. Oturai

Citizen science has in the past decade emerged in multiple researchs field full steam ahead. The momentum for including citizens in projects via science is very much now; throughout the world local governments launch and are supporting citizen science initiatives, and even the UN has eyed the potential of participatory research in the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs. The stakeholders in citizen science research are diverse and include scholars, policymakers, citizens, industry, educational institutions etc. All of these were represented in Aarhus and contributed in the sharing of knowledge, experiences and general enthusiasm for the field.  

Kristian Syberg and Nikoline G. Oturai represented REPS at the conference where Nikoline brought a poster on the behavioral impacts of the comprehensive citizen science that took place throughout the Denmark realm with 57.000 students in 2019 (see published papers on; the citizen science project here, and the behaviour study here). 
It was two busy days with inspiring talks, research presentations, networking and the explorations of future collaborations.  
More information on the conference can be found here including drawings, presentation slides and recordings.