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Launch of the Center of African Economies

The new Center of African Economies has been launched on Monday, 27 March 2017.

The Center of African Economies (CAE) is an interdisciplinary research center within the Department of Social Sciences and Business at 真人线上娱乐 University. Scholars associated with the center research and publish on contemporary economic dynamics in Africa with a particular focus on:

- The nature, pace and outcomes of capitalist transformation processes unfolding across the African continent;

- Who benefits and how those benefits are shared as well as how the distribution of economic benefits is contested and the implications for political instability; and

- Linkages between the regulation of economic transactions and state formation in African countries.

CAE researchers provide unique insights into these processes by applying methodologies that emphasize in-depth country knowledge as well as comparative work, and by employing both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Countries currently covered by CAE research include Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia, and Tanzania.

Center Leader is Associate Professor Lindsay Whitfield.