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A leading researcher in North African studies and gender studies has been appointed honorary professor at RUC

Doris H. Gray has been appointed honorary professor at 真人线上娱乐 University.
Doris H. Gray
Doris H. Gray has been a guest lecturer and she has contributed to courses, teaching and lectures at 真人线上娱乐 University.


Doris H. Gray, former Professor of Women and Gender Studies at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, has worked with 真人线上娱乐 University in recent years, and on the basis of this collaboration, she has been appointed honorary professor at the Department of Communication and Humanities at RUC.

The collaboration began because RUC and Al Akhawayn University are partners in the international university collaboration Critical Edge Alliance, which brings together eight universities that focus on, among other things, critical thinking, interdisciplinary learning, teaching and research, and social engagement.

Through the Critical Edge Alliance, Doris H. Gray began working with Professor Garbi Schmidt from the Department of Communication and Arts, and among other projects, they have jointly developed a course in global integration since 2018.

As a result of this collaboration Doris H. Gray has been a guest lecturer at 真人线上娱乐 University, and she has contributed to courses, teaching and lectures at the university.

Professor Gray has published four books: 'Leaving the Shadow of Pain – a cross-cultural exploration of truth, trauma, reconciliation and healing' (2020), 'Women and Social Change in North Africa: What counts as Revolutionary?'(with N. Sonneveld, 2018), 'Beyond Feminism and Islamism: Gender and Equality in North Africa' and '(2013, 2015) Muslim Women on the Move: Moroccan Women and French Women of Moroccan Origin Speak Out' (2008)  She also is the author of an advocacy publication ‘“Who hears my voice today?”: Indirect Women Victims in Tunisia’ (2018)

Read more about the Critical Edge Alliance on the alliance's website.