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Strengthened university cooperation in Beijing

The Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, which is supported by inter alia the Danish universities, is opening the Danish Industry Foundation House opens, which will provide opportunities for Danish-Chinese cooperation on education and research.
Sino-Danish Center
RUC delegation in the new SDC building, Beijing.

The Danish-Chinese university cooperation, the Sino-Danish Center (SDC) in Beijing, is now entering a new phase. SDC, which conducts research and education in the fields of natural and social science, has until now been located at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, with support from the Danish Industry Foundation and others, SDC has now built a Danish designed building in a brand-new campus area north of Beijing. The building will be inaugurated on 24 September, and researchers from RUC and the other seven Danish universities will participate in a number of academic activities in connection with the inauguration. Among other things, a symposium and a number of professional workshops will be held.

In addition to auditoriums, classrooms and group rooms, the building houses 20 apartments for researchers and teachers, office facilities for PhD students and researchers, meeting facilities and administration offices. The setting makes it obvious for companies to use the building e.g. for conferences and to meet students and researchers.

RUC's Pro-rector Peter Kj?r is delighted with the new university cooperation.

"RUC is a partner in this strong university collaboration, which has established a unique venue for students and researchers from China and Denmark to meet. Our interest lies mainly in the field of social sciences, where we participate in a number of joint research projects and deliver teachers to master's programmes in public administration and innovation management”, says Peter Kj?r.     

Since SDC launched the first Master's programmes in 2012, 150 students have been enrolled each year, 50 of them from Danish universities. Danish and Chinese companies thereby gain access to graduates from both countries, with international perspectives and a multicultural approached, combined with a high level of professionalism.