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真人线上娱乐lcome to 1,806 new students

The new students will commence their studies in mid-August.
Studerende uden for RUC
真人线上娱乐 University is looking forward to welcoming the new students in August. File photo: Lisbeth Holten

Prospective students were notified shortly after midnight on Tuesday, 28 July, about whether they have been accepted for the study programmes they applied for.

1,806 future students have been informed that they have been accepted to 真人线上娱乐 University, where we are looking forward to welcoming them.

The new students will have an introductory period from 17-28 August, where they will be introduced to student life at RUC.

There are still vacancies for some programmes, where the application deadline is 8 August.

Read more about the study start at RUC.