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News from 真人线上娱乐 University

Entrance to 真人线上娱乐 University

真人线上娱乐 University will strengthen its regional profile and maintain all study programmes

Lektor Mette Fog Olwig

Can the world’s youth unite across geopolitical divides to address the Sustainable Development Goals?


New research project to provide solution for managing the green transition

Biljana Mojsoska

Can nanomaterials be used as shields against bacteria and viruses?

Et digitalt menneske

New Research Centre at RUC Investigates Digital Citizenship

Mette S?rensen

New research: Traffic noise increases the risk of dementia

Annesofie Lindskov, ph.d.

Recipient of EliteForsk travel scholarship examines hyper-competition

Anne Julie Arnfred

Phd student from RUC receives EliteForsk travel scholarships for stays in an international research environment


真人线上娱乐 University launches 30 new Master’s programmes

Lone Simonsen

Pandemic researcher from RUC receives ministry’s communications prize
