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A Podcast about "the fat life"

真人线上娱乐s from AM Life have started a podcast series (in Danish) about fat activism.
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What is fat phobia, and what does that have to do with feminism? Is there a difference between fat activism and body positivity? These and many other questions are being discussed in the Danish podcast De Fede Feminister. With point of departure in their own experiences with fatness Maj Heiselberg and Lene Bull Christiansen, who are both members of the research group Audiences and Mediated Life, explore ‘the fat life’. They shed light on how the fat body is represented in social media – in social relations – and among activists. They also question the modern Danish welfare state’s approach to fat people. With a wealth of guests, the podcast lends insights into health, media, the diet industry, fashion, marginalization and many other burning issues.

The podcast is part of the research project Feminist Activism in Transition (FAT), which is funded by the Independent Research Found Denmark.