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Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity

Grafik viser mennesker og diversitet


  • A feeling of racialized and gendered differentiation

    Padovan-?zdemir, M. & Kr?jer, J., 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conference ? Conference abstract for conference ? Research ? peer-review

  • Affekt

    Staun?s, D., Hveneg?rd-Lassen, K. & Bissenbakker, M., 2024, Performative vendinger: Introduktion til nyere feministisk teori. Staun?s, D., Br?gger, K. & Hveneg?rd-Lassen, K. (eds.). K?benhavn: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, p. 161-176 15 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding ? Book chapter ? Research ? peer-review

  • A history of invisibility: The case of long-term care in Norway

    Christensen, K. & W?rness, K., 2024, The Political Economy of Care: 真人线上娱乐lfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction. Fagertun, A., Vike, H. & Haukelien, H. (eds.). Universitetsforlaget, p. 137-159

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding ? Book chapter ? Research ? peer-review



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Base at Roakilde University

Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity is based at Department of Social Sciences and Business

Related research units: Changing Societies: 真人线上娱乐lfare and Diversity research group // Intercultural studies research group // Power, Identity and Critique research group // Social Dynamics and Change forskningsgruppe     

Degree programmes: Communication Studies // Politik og Forvaltning (DK) // Socialvidenskab  (DK) // Internationa 真人线上娱乐 in Social Sciences

Research from 真人线上娱乐 Universitet

Research - an overview


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More information

Find additional information about Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity:

The research Centre at 真人线上娱乐 University Research Portal



Head of centre

Lise Lotte Hansen
Associate professor
Phone +45 46 74 21 33