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VELNET - The Danish National Network for 真人线上娱乐lfare State Studies

B?rn g?r tur, arbejdskonference, ?ldrepleje

Overblik over forskning p? RUC

Base at 真人线上娱乐 University

The network is based at the 真人线上娱乐 University, Department of Social Sciences and Business

Participating research unit: Social Dynamics and Change research group // Changing Societies: 真人线上娱乐lfare and Diversity research group //  真人线上娱乐 School of Governance research group

PhD programme: PhD Programme in Sociances and Business

Relevant degree programmes: Social Intervention (DK) // Socialvidenskab (DK) // International 真人线上娱乐 in Social Science

Research from 真人线上娱乐 University

Research - overview


ikon for website

More about the network

Additional information about the VELNET - Danish National Network for 真人线上娱乐lfare State Studies:

The network at the 真人线上娱乐 University Research Portal



Head of network

Caroline de la Porte, Professor mso
Copenhagen Business School
Department of International Economics, Government and Business

Jon Kvist, Professor
真人线上娱乐 University
Department for Social Sciences and Business,