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Upcoming paper on curators of counterpublics presented at Nordicom symposium

AlterPublics' Jakob B?k Kristensen goes to Stockholm to engage with scholars and discuss ideas for an upcoming paper on the actors that share alternative news content.
The Nordicom symposium at Stockholm University, 10 November 2022.
The Nordicom symposium at Stockholm University, 10 November 2022. (Photo: Jakob B?k Kristensen)

This week, postdoc Jakob B?k Kristensen went to the Swedish capital, Stockholm, to present results and get ideas for a paper in the making on the curators of digital counterpublics.

More specifically, the results revolve around the actors and communities that share and create engagement around alternative news content in Scandinavia.

The symposium, called 'Democracy and Digital Disintegration: Actors, Platforms, Citizens', takes place at Stockholm University 10 November 2022 with the aim of facilitating "dialogue between researchers of various disciplines and create opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration".

Selected scholars will be invited to submit a full manuscript after the symposium for a special issue of Nordicom Review.