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Workshop in Antwerp

Associate Professor Randi Marselis and PhD Fellow Freja Gry B?rsting organise a workshop on memory work of migrants in relation to contemporary collecting in museums.
The Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp, Belgium
Photo: Red Star Line Museum

In the beginning of October Associate Professor Randi Marselis and PhD Fellow Freja Gry B?rsting of Intercultural Studies will be participating in the annual Association of European Migration Institutions conference hosted by The Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp, Belgium. Randi and Freja will hold a workshop based on the current project Musealization of migrants’ cultural heritage, which was developed between The Danish Immigration Museum and 真人线上娱乐 University and which concerns the memory work of migrants in relation to contemporary collecting in museums.

The workshop examines a possible approach to gaining knowledge on how migrants work with memories concerning their (inherited) homeland, forced displacement, and identity as being part of diasporas, and it does so through the use of material objects and photographs.