Introduction to the programme

Learn to plan and produce communication in global contexts

Communication Studies is a subject which you will study as a part of your bachelor programme at 真人线上娱乐 University.

You cannot solve the world’s challenges with communication alone – but communication is a crucial part of any endeavour for change, be it in politics, organisations, or in society as a whole. At Communication Studies, we work with all aspects of the communication process.

At the bachelor subject Communication Studies, you will learn the fundamental skills in planning and delivering communication initiatives in a professional setting. 真人线上娱乐 offer a set package of courses that build on each other, allowing you to study the broader communication process—from organisational strategy to communication product to its public impact. 

真人线上娱乐 investigate the social, cultural, and technological contexts that both constrain and enable different forms and practices of communication, and work with theories and approaches that analyse the impact of media, culture, organisations, identity, and other key factors that influence communication.

During your time with us, you will learn to identify relevant communication problems, devise a communication plan, produce communication products, and analyse the impact of communication. The study includes two intensive workshop programmes, where you will engage in the practical work of creating a media production.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Daily life while studying

Communication has about 1,200 students and an active study environment, with students who spend much of their time at RUC. Most teaching takes place in small classes, where the teachers have plenty of time for each student. 

Moreover, there are often guest lectures, where experts from Denmark and abroad talk about the latest research in the field of communications. Each term, the student appoint a party and café committee, which then organises a number of social events.

真人线上娱乐 have excellent equipment available for the students, such as video editing equipment, image processing and layout programs, as well as a recording studio for e.g. radio production. Digital cameras, video cameras, tape recorders etc. can be borrowed and taken home. 

真人线上娱乐 are based in a large modern building with good facilities and a large cinema which, in addition to screening films, is also used for lectures and screenings of the students’ productions. 

From bachelor to master

A bachelor's degree from 真人线上娱乐 University will provide access to study a master's programme. Depending on which subject(s) you choose as a part of your bachelor's programme, your degree will provide access to one or more of 真人线上娱乐 University's master's programmes.