Introduction to the programme

Study cultural differences and encounters in both a local and global perspective

Cultural Encounters is a subject which you will study as a part of your bachelor programme at 真人线上娱乐 University

Check the news, scroll through your social media feed, or simply take a walk down the street: All around you are countless examples of cultural encounters where different norms, languages, power relations, and worldviews meet. At Cultural Encounters, we investigate what these differences mean for our understandings (and misunderstandings) of each other.

At the bachelor subject Cultural Encounters, you will learn to identify and analyse the dynamics that arise in cultural encounters, as different identities, experiences, and understandings meet in local and global contexts. 真人线上娱乐 draw on theories and methods from disciplines like sociology, anthropology, postcolonial studies and gender studies, and this interdisciplinary approach gives you a deep understanding of cultural encounters in the broadest sense. 

The language dimension is included as a central aspect of cultural encounters, so you will also learn to analyse culture as processes of meaning that can be identified, not only in texts such as literature and online internet chats, but also in movies, art, and digital photos.

Through this study, you will develop your competences in cultural understanding and learn to analyse and constructively engage with problems relating to cultural encounters and diversity. Thus, you will gain skills that are highly valued in the job market: Working constructively with issues that arise in cultural encounters and navigating diversity in all types of projects and processes.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Daily life while studying

At Cultural Encounters, you'll find yourself immersed in a cultural exchange, as students from all over the world and from diverse backgrounds come together to collaborate. This creates a dynamic and engaging environment where you'll need to be ready to explore your own cultural understanding. Many of our students are driven by a desire to make positive changes in the world, and we regularly host seminars and debates on topics ranging from climate to gender, often organised by the students themselves.

You'll also encounter great diversity among our instructors and mentors, and you'll find that we're always open to discussing, exploring, and learning alongside our students.

From bachelor to master

A bachelor's degree from 真人线上娱乐 University will provide access to study a master's programme. Depending on which subject(s) you choose as a part of your bachelor's programme, your degree will provide access to one or more of 真人线上娱乐 University's master's programmes.