Why study Mathematical Bioscience?
Karen Timmermann
Professor, DTU
Illnesses, pollutants, viruses – all spread and develop in patterns of cause and effect, that can be detected with mathematical models. In the Master’s programme in Mathematical Bioscience, we combine biology and mathematics to address challenges to our health, environment, and society as a whole.
In the interdisciplinary programme, you will learn to apply mathematical modelling to societal challenges within health and disease development or the environment. You will train to analyse datasets of physical, biological, and chemical processes – be it the development of a pandemic disease, the growth of a cancer tumour or the spreading of microplastic in the environment – and develop mathematical models describing these processes. With the use of mathematics, you will learn to uncover patterns, generate new knowledge, and thus contribute to predict, optimise, and control diseases and pollution.
Computer programming and simulations are integrated parts of the programme. 真人线上娱乐 often work with datasets generated in labs, which we model using mathematics and computer simulations. You will train in scientific computing and data science as well as in dynamic systems analysis, and through these learn to describe biological systems and processes using mathematic models.
Among our research areas are optimisation of cancer and diabetes treatments, prevention of epidemic outbreaks, design of environmental solutions, modelling of processes and development and implementation of efficient parameter estimation methods based on health care data. The department hosts two major research centres: PandemiX, specialising in the spreading of pandemics, and Cancitis, specialising in cancer treatment. You will work closely with researchers and fellow students, pursuing your own academic interests through problem-oriented project learning and interdisciplinary problem solving.
You will be studying in a relatively small active research environment and work side by side with PhD-students and experienced researchers, and you will be invited to participate in research projects all throughout the programme. 真人线上娱乐 have an informal tone and an open-door policy, so academic, practical, and technical support is always close by. 真人线上娱乐 are all driven by a genuine love of mathematics and an interest in applying its many aspects to real world problems.
真人线上娱乐 are part of the department of Science and Environment, which also holds the Master’s programme in Physics and Scientific Modelling, and you will meet many students from here through our joint social and extracurricular activities. These include academic seminars, student run events as the Natcafé, boardgames nights and alumni events, where you can meet former students. Once a year, we hold a two-day overnight seminar with all students and staff, where we debate issues pertaining to student life.
Our candidates are highly sought-after in sectors and businesses, which uses mathematical modelling and computational methods to describe and understand complex, real-world challenges. These include the bio-chemical and biotech industry, the healthcare sector, financial sector, public research institutions and administration as well as consultancy companies within the environmental area. Thus, this programme gives you a wide range of job opportunities and also qualifies you to enter a PhD-programme.
Fra 2. semester former du selv din uddannelse. Du kan specialisere dig inden for:
You will develop computational knowledge and numeric skills in scientific computing and data science and you will acquire methods in bioinformatics and advanced data analysis, statistics and probability theory.
You will develop computational knowledge and numeric skills in scientific computing and you will acquire methods in ecology to be able to specialise in mathematical modelling of biological macroscopic eco-systems.
You will develop computational knowledge and numeric skills in scientific computing and data science and you will acquire methods in bioinformatics and you will be able to specialise in mathematical modelling of human diseases, cancer, and epidemics.
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Modelling of Biological Systems 10 ECTS |
Dynamical Systems Analysis 5 ECTS |
Parameter Estimation 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Mathematical Bioscience 30 ECTS |
Probability and Statistics 5 ECTS |
Differential Geometry 5 ECTS |
Kursus General Molecular and Medical Biology 5 ECTS |
Bioinformatics 5 ECTS |
Seminar Course in Molecular Health Science 5 ECTS |
Projekt Modelling project 15 ECTS |
Applied Data Science and Data Visualisation 5 ECTS |
Specialisation Project eller Praktik Project-Oriented Internship 15 ECTS |
Scientific Computing and Data Science 10 ECTS |
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Modelling of Biological Systems 10 ECTS |
Dynamical Systems Analysis 5 ECTS |
Parameter Estimation 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Mathematical Bioscience 30 ECTS |
Probability and Statistics 5 ECTS |
Differential Geometry 5 ECTS |
Kursus General Molecular and Medical Biology 5 ECTS |
Biodiversity and conservation 5 ECTS |
Sustainable Use of Biological Systems 5 ECTS |
Projekt Modelling project 15 ECTS |
Methods in Ecology 5 ECTS |
Specialisation Project eller Praktik Project-Oriented Internship 15 ECTS |
Scientific Computing and Data Science 10 ECTS |
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Modelling of Biological Systems 10 ECTS |
Dynamical Systems Analysis 5 ECTS |
Parameter Estimation 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Mathematical Bioscience 30 ECTS |
Probability and Statistics 5 ECTS |
Differential Geometry 5 ECTS |
Kursus General Molecular and Medical Biology 5 ECTS |
Bioinformatics 5 ECTS |
Pharmacology 5 ECTS |
Projekt Modelling project 15 ECTS |
Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology 1 – Inside the Cell 5 ECTS |
Specialisation Project eller Praktik Project-Oriented Internship 15 ECTS |
Scientific Computing and Data Science 10 ECTS |
Karen Timmermann
Professor, DTU
Du kan v?lge at bruge et semester p? at rejse ud med din uddannelse. Enten i praktik hos en af vores partnervirksomheder eller hos en virksomhed, som du selv finder frem til. Du afpr?ver dine kompetencer, faglige og processuelle, i et job, f?r v?rdifulde kontakter og bliver klogere p?, om det er en fremtidig karriere for dig. Du kan ogs? v?lge at tage et semesters udveksling p? et partneruniversitet i udlandet, hvor du kan f? internationalt udsyn, erfaring og netv?rk.
Du bliver en del af et st?rkt fagmilj?, hvor du er t?t p? forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ?nsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt milj? typisk centreret i én bygning p? campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder d?r om d?r. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdeg?ende analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en st?rkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en r?kke kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I l?bet af et semester vil du opstille et v?sentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for l?sningsmulighed(er). Du f?r konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.
Universitetet er samlet p? ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs s?, vandl?b og marker, tr?ningscenter, innovationsv?rksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores f?lles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. B?de udend?rs og indend?rs arbejder vi med at g?re campus s? b?redygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 ?r og oml?gger til vild natur p? vores udearealer.
Pr?v Adgangsguiden: Se hvilke kandidatuddannelser p? 真人线上娱乐 Universitet, din bachelor giver adgang til.
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Se om der er aktuelle arrangementer, som kunne v?re noget for dig. Deltag fx i ?bent hus, se campus og m?d undervisere og studerende.