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Jon Sundbo presents PAKIO at 2021 RESER Conference

In October 2021 the Augmented Intelligence Research Network’s work has been presented at the 2021 conference of The European Association for Research on Services, RESER.

Network member Jon Sundbo has presented the network’s research issue and preliminary results at The European Association for Research on Services, 31st RESER Conference, with the theme: “The disruptive role of data, AI and ecosystems in Services Next Gen.” The conference took place in Heilbronn, Germany, 14th-15th of October, 2021.

Jon’s presentation emphasised the research interests of the Network, focusing on augmented intelligence in professional knowledge services. Professionals’ identity, position, and competences, effects of AI on client relations, as well as further problematization around ethics, competences, and responsibility in relation to AI were central points in the presentation.