Forskningsprojekt > CASH-IN: privately managed cash transfers in Africa > Nyhed

The CASH-IN research project

Professor Lars Buur is leading the research programme CASH-IN: privately managed cash transfer projects in Africa.
Lars Buur tals about the CASH-IN research programme

In the programme researchers from 真人线上娱乐 University together with colleagues from Makerere University in Uganda and the University of Dodoma from Tanzania explores:

  • How beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries perceive public and privately managed social cash transfer projects.
  • What type of relations public and privately managed cash transfer projects produce.
  • How cost-effective different types of projects are.
  • What the effects of social cash transfers are with regard of poverty and livelihood.
  • What the potential for scaling of social cash transfers are.

Professor Lars Buur is leading the research programme CASH-IN: privately managed cash transfer projects in Africa. The research programme has received funding from the Danish Foreign Ministry through a grant administrated by the Danida Fellowship Center (DFC).