Forskning ved Center for Aktionsforskning og Demokratisk Samfundsudvikling
Center for Aktionsforskning og Demokratisk Samfundsudvikling udvikler og gennemf?rer l?bende forskningsprojekter - ofte i samarbejde med eksterne partnere.
Centret udgiver denne og anden forskning p? en r?kke forskellige platforme og i diverse formater, blandt andet som videnskabelige artikler i tidsskrifter, b?ger og antologier samt rapporter udgivet for eksterne partnere.
Herunder findes et udvalg af centrets aktuelle forskningsudgivelser og igangv?rende projekter.
Udvalgte udgivelser
Participatory Action Research with social workers in Greenland, bidrag af John Andersen (RUC) og Steven Arnfjord (Nuuks Universitet) (2017) i bogen: Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality
Proceedings of the 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress 2015 Pretoria, South Africa, Edited by Colin Bradley, ALARA.
This book contains the full papers arising from presentations by delegates from Denmark, Greenland, Ireland, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
The Congress asked the question about rhetoric or reality for a fairer world through collaborative and sustainable learning. The various presentations, and the papers included in this Proceedings book, indicate that action learning, action research, participatory action research and similar methodologies offer collaborative and sustainable learning. These presentations and papers also indicate that the practitioners involved in their delivery are working.
Pod.cast om empowermentperspektivet, som alternativ til New Public Management, af John Andersen (interview) (2016.03.15)
Action research in nursing homes. I: Action Research, Vol. 14, Nr. 1, 03.2016, s. 19-35 af John Andersen og Anette Bilfeldt, (2016)
Commons, Sustainability, Democratization - Action Research and the Basic Renewal of Society. Routledge Advances in Research Methods. New York and London. Af Hans PeterHansen, Birger Steen Nielsen m.fl. (red.) (2016)
Adding action to the interview: Conceptualizing an interview approach inspired by action research elements. I tidsskriftet 'Action Research', Sage Journals, UK, London. Af Helle Nielsen og Ivar Lyhne (2016)
Envisioning Networked Urban Mobilities. Routledge. Af A. Aamot Kj?rulff, K. Hannam, S. Kesselring, P. Peters (eds.) (2016)