Why study Molecular Health Science
Christian Gamsgaard
Quality Control Chemist, Novo Nordisk
You will also meet external partners during courses, when we invite guest lecturers from the health and biotech sectors to bring you the latest knowledge in areas like quality considerations, bioproduction, standards and deviation management. All in all, you will receive thorough hands-on-training, qualifying you for any job that entails analysing, developing, and conducting experimental work to solve health and biotechnology related challenges. 真人线上娱乐 equip you to seamlessly join a workplace after you graduate.
Our candidates are highly sought after in pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries and consultancies, in the healthcare and hospital sector, in public and private research or control laboratories and in public health agencies on local, regional, and state level. Tasks include diagnostic analyses, development, validation and quality control of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products, and regulation and marketing of medication and healthcare products. The programme qualifies you to enter a PhD-programme.
Examples of employments include:
V?r opm?rksom p?, at du skal opfylde adgangskrav om Dansk p? A-niveau for at blive optaget p? uddannelsen.
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
Studien?vnet for Naturvidenskabelige uddannelser
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Pathophysiology and Immunology 10 ECTS |
Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology I - Inside the Cell 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Molecular Health Science 60 ECTS Forts?ttes p? 4. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforl?b 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Molecular Health Science 45 ECTS Forts?ttes p? 4. semester |
Speciale i Molecular Health Science 60 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforl?b 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Molecular Health Science 45 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester |
Good Practices in Experimental Sciences 5 ECTS |
Pharmacology 5 ECTS |
Applied Data Science and Visualisation 5 ECTS |
Experimental Biotechnology 5 ECTS |
Bioinformatics 5 ECTS |
Proteomics and Metabolomics 5 ECTS |
Solid Phase Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics 5 ECTS |
Spor 1-studerende * General Molecular and Medical Biology 5 ECTS eller Spor 2-studerende * Valgkursus 5 ECTS |
Protein Biochemistry 5 ECTS |
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
Studien?vnet for Naturvidenskabelige uddannelser
Christian Gamsgaard
Quality Control Chemist, Novo Nordisk
Du kan v?lge at bruge et semester p? at rejse ud med din uddannelse. Enten i praktik hos en af vores partnervirksomheder eller hos en virksomhed, som du selv finder frem til. Du afpr?ver dine kompetencer, faglige og processuelle, i et job, f?r v?rdifulde kontakter og bliver