Why study Molecular Health Science
Christian Gamsgaard
Quality Control Chemist, Novo Nordisk
To battle diseases like covid-19, diabetes, cancer, or antimicrobial resistance, we need to understand the molecular mechanisms at play. In the Master’s programme in Molecular Health Science, we lay the groundwork for new treatments and vaccines by investigating the molecular mechanisms of diseases.
This interdisciplinary programme combines elements from molecular biology, cell biology and medicine, qualifying you to conduct molecular analyses in the health and biotech sectors. 真人线上娱乐 will give you a thorough understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind human health, as well as the development of drugs and the treatment of diseases. Key subjects include pathophysiology, immunology, pharmacology, drug development and testing, infectious disease, biotechnology, genetic engineering, cell biology, data-analysis, and bioinformatics.
Experimental studies are a key element in this programme, so you will join us in the lab from day one and will spend a great deal of your time at hospitals and external labs, working closely with health professionals and analysts on real life projects. 真人线上娱乐 have excellent facilities at campus and close research collaborations with hospitals in the Zealand and Greater Copenhagen Regions, as well as with Statens Serum Institut (SSI), just to name a few. In your project work, you may join these collaborations or start new networks with other external partners, thus shaping your own academic profile.
You will also meet external partners during courses, when we invite guest lecturers from the health and biotech sectors to bring you the latest knowledge in areas like quality considerations, bioproduction, standards and deviation management. All in all, you will receive thorough hands-on-training, qualifying you for any job that entails analysing, developing, and conducting experimental work to solve health and biotechnology related challenges. 真人线上娱乐 equip you to seamlessly join a workplace after you graduate.
You will be studying in a relatively small research environment and work side by side with PhD-students and experienced researchers. 真人线上娱乐 have an informal tone and an open-door policy, so academic, practical, and technical support is always close by. 真人线上娱乐 are part of the department of Science and Environment, which also holds Master’s programmes in Chemical Biology and Mathematical Bioscience, so you will have ample opportunities to mix it up both academically and socially. 真人线上娱乐 often hold joint seminars, inviting external researchers or alumni, and you will also be invited to student run events like the Natcafé and boardgames nights.
Our candidates are highly sought after in pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries and consultancies, in the healthcare and hospital sector, in public and private research or control laboratories and in public health agencies on local, regional, and state level. Tasks include diagnostic analyses, development, validation and quality control of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products, and regulation and marketing of medication and healthcare products. The programme qualifies you to enter a PhD-programme.
Examples of employments include:
V?r opm?rksom p?, at du skal opfylde adgangskrav om Dansk p? A-niveau for at blive optaget p? uddannelsen.
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
Studien?vnet for Naturvidenskabelige uddannelser
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Pathophysiology and Immunology 10 ECTS |
Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology I - Inside the Cell 5 ECTS |
Speciale i Molecular Health Science 60 ECTS Forts?ttes p? 4. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforl?b 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Molecular Health Science 45 ECTS Forts?ttes p? 4. semester |
Speciale i Molecular Health Science 60 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester eller Praktik Projektorienteret praktikforl?b 15 ECTS og Speciale Speciale i Molecular Health Science 45 ECTS Fortsat fra 3. semester |
Good Practices in Experimental Sciences 5 ECTS |
Pharmacology 5 ECTS |
Applied Data Science and Visualisation 5 ECTS |
Experimental Biotechnology 5 ECTS |
Bioinformatics 5 ECTS |
Proteomics and Metabolomics 5 ECTS |
Solid Phase Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics 5 ECTS |
Spor 1-studerende * General Molecular and Medical Biology 5 ECTS eller Spor 2-studerende * Valgkursus 5 ECTS |
Protein Biochemistry 5 ECTS |
* Nederste kursus p? 1. semester afg?res af, hvilket spor du bliver optaget p?. Spor 1 er studerende med baggrund i enten medicinalbiologi eller molekyl?rbiologi. Spor 2 er studerende med baggrund i b?de medicinal- og molekyl?rbiologi.
Studieordning for Molecular Health Science (pdf)
Studien?vnet for Naturvidenskabelige uddannelser
Christian Gamsgaard
Quality Control Chemist, Novo Nordisk
Du kan v?lge at bruge et semester p? at rejse ud med din uddannelse. Enten i praktik hos en af vores partnervirksomheder eller hos en virksomhed, som du selv finder frem til. Du afpr?ver dine kompetencer, faglige og processuelle, i et job, f?r v?rdifulde kontakter og bliver klogere p?, om det er en fremtidig karriere for dig. Du kan ogs? v?lge at tage et semesters udveksling p? et partneruniversitet i udlandet, hvor du kan f? internationalt udsyn, erfaring og netv?rk.
Du bliver en del af et st?rkt fagmilj?, hvor du er t?t p? forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ?nsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt milj? typisk centreret i én bygning p? campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder d?r om d?r. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdeg?ende analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en st?rkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en r?kke kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I l?bet af et semester vil du opstille et v?sentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for l?sningsmulighed(er). Du f?r konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.
Universitetet er samlet p? ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs s?, vandl?b og marker, tr?ningscenter, innovationsv?rksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores f?lles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. B?de udend?rs og indend?rs arbejder vi med at g?re campus s? b?redygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 ?r og oml?gger til vild natur p? vores udearealer.
Pr?v Adgangsguiden: Se hvilke kandidatuddannelser p? 真人线上娱乐 Universitet, din bachelor giver adgang til.
Kontakt os, hvis du har brug for sparring om valg af studie, mere viden om indholdet af en uddannelse, eller om ans?gning og optagelse p? 真人线上娱乐 Universitet.
Se om der er aktuelle arrangementer, som kunne v?re noget for dig. Deltag fx i ?bent hus, se campus og m?d undervisere og studerende.