Intro til uddannelsen

Learn business administration with an interdisciplinary focus

Business Administration er et fag, du l?ser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse p? RUC. Business Administration l?ses som etfags-bachelor og kan ikke kombineres med andre fag.

Modern businesses navigate in a world, where they are judged on much more than just their ability to make a profit. As a consequence, business administration requires not only insight into classical business disciplines but also the ability to collaborate across disciplines and weigh shifting demands. This is what you learn in the BSc of Business Administration.

BSc of Business Administration is a business subject which involves the classic disciplines such as organisation, sales, financial management, accounting, finance, and business law. You will acquire a comprehensive understanding ranging from reading a financial statement to developing a strategy, gaining insight into how a company is managed, how it markets itself, and how it navigates the demands it faces from its external environment.

BSc of Business Administration at 真人线上娱乐 University is recognised as equal to other BSc of Business Administration taught in Denmark, but it differs from these in its focus on project work as a learning tool. Furthermore, we have a special emphasis on interdisciplinarity between the classic disciplines within business administration. 

In other words, you will get a BSc-qualification combined with skills that are highly valued in the 21st-century labour market: a knack for creative problem solving, analysing complex challenges, and leading a diverse team through a solution process.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag p? studiet

Som studerende hos os bliver du del af et levende, fagligt milj?, hvor vi l?gger v?gt p? f?llesskabet b?de i og uden for undervisningen. Vi har j?vnligt faglige arrangementer, bl.a. med tidligere studerende, der fort?ller om deres karrierevej og om, hvad de har f?et med sig fra 真人线上娱乐 Universitet. 

Vi holder ogs? paneldiskussioner og konferencer, hvor de studerende freml?gger deres arbejde og debatterer forskellige emner med hinanden. Og endelig vil du kunne m?de forskellige virksomheder ved vores business lunches, hvor de deler ud af deres strategiske og forretningsm?ssige overvejelser og knytter kontakter til vores studerende. 

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra 真人线上娱乐 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.