Intro til uddannelsen

Learn software development and construction of IT systems

Computer Science er et fag, du l?ser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse p? RUC. 

IT systems and innovative software are integral parts of our society, and technology will continue to play a crucial role in the future. It will not only develop and transform industries, media and infrastructure, but can also be instrumental in tackling challenges like climate change, resource scarcity and global health issues. 

To do this, the world will need computer scientists, who can develop next generation technology and build reliable, user-friendly and ethically durable IT systems. This is what we teach you at Computer Science.

At the bachelor subject Computer Science, you will learn the process of software development and IT systems design, including programming, algorithms and data structures, computer science models, predictability and complexity. You will learn to plan, analyse, implement, test and document a programming assignment. 

真人线上娱乐 not only train you to become a skilled programmer; we also teach you to reflect on and participate in a development project from start to finish – from coding to evaluation.

During your time with us, you will get theoretical and methodological insight into the core aspects of computer science, and you will learn to incorporate theory and method into your practical work. You will acquire the basic, practical skills necessary for programming, structuring information and developing elegant solutions. Through the project work, you can specialise and pursue your own interests, using our excellent programming facilities.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag p? studiet

Computer Science er et hyggeligt, t?tknyttet studiemilj?. Du kan regne med at f?lges med dine medstuderende hele vejen gennem studiet, men ogs? at m?de nye mennesker undervejs, b?de p? valgkurser og n?r vi m?des til sociale aktiviteter p? tv?rs af ?rgangene.

Det meste undervisning p? Computer Science foreg?r i samme bygning, og bliver varetaget af en fast stab af undervisere. Det skaber et milj?, hvor vi alle kender hinanden p? kryds og tv?rs, og hvor vi er f?lles om vores faglige nysgerrighed og gl?de. 

Afdelingens lektorer og professorer har kontorer t?t p? dine undervisningslokaler, og vi har en ?ben d?r-politik, som g?r det nemt at komme i kontakt med dine undervisere og forskere – hvad enten det drejer sig om et udfordrende akademisk problem eller en hyggesnak.

I l?bet af din uddannelse vil du blive en del af det daglige liv i afdelingen, hvor studerende og ansatte spiser ofte frokost sammen i f?llesrummet. Og s? g?r vi ikke af vejen for en god fest i ny og n?. 

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra 真人线上娱乐 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.


Undervisere Computer Science