Intro til uddannelsen

Learn to work with living animals, plants and micro-organisms in their physical, chemical, and biological environment.

Environmental Biology er et fag, du l?ser som en del af din bacheloruddannelse p? RUC. 

How does nature work? And how can we as humans work with natural resources, in a way that both benefits current generations and leaves a healthy planet for future generations? These questions are at the core of Environmental Biology.

At the bachelor subject Environmental Biology, you will learn about the interaction between living animals, plants and micro-organisms and their physical, chemical, and biological environment. 真人线上娱乐 work with subjects like major ecosystems, population biology, and elementary animal and plant physiology, and you will learn the basic theories and methods that go into this work. 

The study also includes practical field courses working with Danish flora, fauna and natural habitats, and a practical course in applied statistics and experimental design. As a student, you will design and conduct your own experiments and studies, and learn to analyse, interpret, and evaluate your findings.

Through your study projects, you can pursue your own interests in the field, whether they be in environmental conservation, restoration, sustainable production, or other areas. Whatever your interests may be, this study equips you to tackle contemporary environmental challenges and make a real difference in the world.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag p? studiet

Du bliver del af et internationalt studiemilj? med studerende fra hele verden, med alt hvad det indeb?rer af forskellige perspektiver p? milj?biologi og milj?praksisser. Vi har en flad struktur med f? hierarkier p? studiet, og du vil f? t?t kontakt til dine undervisere og vejledere, n?r vi arbejder side om side i laboratoriet eller p? feltture. 

Udover de egentlige feltkurser har vi ogs? j?vnligt ekskursioner, hvor vi m?des om en f?lles faglig interesse og fx kigger p? fugle eller samler svampe. Vi m?des ofte med studerende fra de andre naturvidenskabelige discipliner til forskellige fester og sammenkomster, bl.a. grillfest og julefest. 

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra 真人线上娱乐 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.