Intro til uddannelsen

Study the biological and technical aspects of bioprocesses and learn how to mimic nature in the service of mankind.

Bioprocess Science is a subject that you will study as a part of your bachelor programme at 真人线上娱乐 University.? 

Now more than ever, natural biological processes hold the keys to potential solutions – whether it be to develop environmentally sound productions processes, find new and more effective medicines, or reuse plastic waste more efficiently. At Bioprocess Science, we apply bioprocesses in the service for mankind, to better the lives of humans. 

At the bachelor subject Bioprocess Science, you will learn to understand bioprocesses and apply them to solve real-world problems. 真人线上娱乐 work in the expanding interdisciplinary field between molecular, environmental, and medical biology combined with chemistry. 

You will learn the key theories and principles of e.g. industrial processes, biological products, and drug development, and you will train in screening and selecting organisms that are optimal for biological production of specified products for medical, industrial, aquacultural or agricultural application.          

Much of our work takes place in the lab, and we will regard you as a member of our scientific team from day one, inviting you to join our research and develop your own fields of interest. 真人线上娱乐 will teach you the methods that go into using different model organisms (zooplanktons, insects, microorganisms including genetically modified organisms etc.) in the production of biological products such as alternative protein, omega fatty acids, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes. 

You will also learn different approaches in bioproduction such as tissue culture, fermentation, photosynthetic cultivation together with downstream processes such as extraction, purification, and validation of biological products. This research-based approach will strengthen your knowledge on bioprocesses and make you a highly valuable asset for future employers.

All teaching and project writing is conducted in English.

Din hverdag p? studiet

Som studerende p? Bioprocess Science vil du blive en del af et internationalt studiemilj?. En tredjedel af de studerende er internationale, og du vil opleve, at du kommer til at arbejde b?de tv?rfagligt og interkulturelt med forskellige naturvidenskabelige problemstillinger.

Vi er et relativt lille fag, og det g?r det nemt for dig at have t?t og direkte kontakt til dine undervisere og vejledere, og ikke mindst til forskningen og det eksperimentelle arbejde i laboratorierne.

I begyndelsen af hvert semester er der gruppedannelse, hvor du finder sammen med dine medstuderende i projektgrupper som arbejder sammen resten af semestret. Projektgrupperne og l?segrupperne er en vigtig del af dit sociale milj? p? uddannelsen, og I vil ofte ogs? m?des til sociale aktiviteter i fritiden, undertiden ogs? med studerende fra andre fag. Vi kan ogs? finde p? at m?des og drikke den ?l, vi selv har brygget som del af undervisningen. 

Fra bachelor til kandidat

En bacheloruddannelse fra 真人线上娱乐 Universitet giver dig adgang til at l?se en kandidatuddannelse. Alt efter hvilke(t) fag du v?lger p? din bacheloruddannelse, har du adgang til en eller flere af vores  kandidatuddannelser.


Undervisere p? Bioprocess Science